AVR Galeb emulator

Electronic schematic

In this project, I used two AVR microcontrollers, and their roles are as follows:
ATMega1284 - emulation of 6502 processor and peripheral
ATMega644 - PAL composite video signal generation
The CY7C130 is dual-port SRAM and both microcontrollers use it as video memory. This way picture generation does not interrupt the 6502 emulation and circuit perfectly emulates the operation of the Galeb computer.

Finished electronic circuit

In operation

Video captured directly from composite output.


galeb_vdu.hex  HEX file to burn into ATMega644 microcontroller
galeb_cpu.hex  HEX file to burn into ATMega1284 microcontroller
   Fuses: H=0x99 L=0xE0

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